Wednesday, April 25, 2012

5 Master Crammer Techniques

Admit it, hell week brings out truly the worst in us. The crankyness, mad fits, group bitching, and endless rants on Facebook statii and Twitter updates sums up just about every student's week of death. Every professor is unreasonable, every lazy group mate becomes an enemy, and even the toughest friendships get tested under the institutionalized system otherwise known as school. The breadth and magnitude of every final paper, test, and presentation carries so much weight on final grade so of, course you decide to start it..... at the very last minute. Most students have already earned their Masteral degrees in Cramming way before their college graduation rites are so dearly bestowed on them, beat that! Of course, if you are a master crammer, you must also know the 5 Master Crammer techniques to fully maximize... your master crammer time:

1.)Switching to Facebook when you've decided that you've gone into a deep black hole preparing for Finals. Just a few clicks to check the news feed won't hurt right? Wrong. Before you know it, you've spent a good total hour clicking away. Oh, and look! Another interesting update!

2.)Ranting on Twitter how hell week has turned you into a zombie. 3 seconds in, and somebody has replied explaining the same sentiments. Another 3, and a few more replies! You are determined to fully explain how unjust and unreasonable this workload is that you begin to reply, retweet, tweet, tweet and tweet some more. Then, you check back on your original tweet and figure that 1 hour ago might be some lapse in technical judgment by the Twitter team. So, you decide to tweet about it, and then... the tweeting goes on.

3.)The  "crap-I'm-hungry-better-grab-something-to-eat" mode before fully diving into your work. You figure, food will give you more energy, which will make it easier for you to get things done right? Another wrong! A few bag of chips here, a few rice with ulam there, and you're on your way to munching yourself away into your bed. You bring your notes along with you and convince yourself that memorizing will be a lot easier now that you've finally converted all the sugar you've eaten into energy! Simple science! Then, you surprisingly feel sleepy and give yourself time to rest your eyes. Before you know it, it's finally 7am, and there you are, struggling to find your notes in your laway covered pillow. Yup, it's Finals day and you've got 3 hours before your first class.

4.)The power nap that turns into a full fledged snoozefest leading to the morning. Every excuse of a power nap is one way to escape into dreamland without ever finding your way back to reality aka studying again. The glorious sleep that enthralls you forces you into a force field of dreams that will be a thousand times better than equations, readings and your notes.

5.)The worst by far, the "group study" that perpetually turns into pig out x inuman craze. We all know how this goes! Grab some food in the fridge, pop some beer, and look intently in your notes as if you were actually studying. A couple of Foster the People songs later, everybody has gotten engaged into another conversation about Battle Royale vs. Hunger Games. Before you know it, the night has turned into kwentuhan instead of actual studying.

Aren't we all too familiar with these 5 master crammer techniques? We're all currently basking under the summer sun, but once school knocks around the corner, we all know what we will be turning to. The only good thing about summer is that these master crammer techniques morph into master bummer techniques! At least this time around, we do it guiltlessly! Hooray to summer and boo school. How has your summer been so far? :)