Thursday, December 8, 2011

Staying Creative:Tip #1

We're launching a new section in The Culture Vulture Project called "Staying Creative". It's basically all about learning how to observe, document, and share the culture you see around you. Here's the first installation on this series:

Admit it, once or twice we’ve all been caught in the trance of stepping into school supply heaven otherwise known as National Bookstore. For us Pinoys, there can no other store as complete as the Pambansang Bookstore (not even Muji, which actually is one of my favorite places too!) This is where my love for notebooks actually stemmed from. Sometimes, I’d have to actually stop myself from purchasing another notebook knowing that I have a ton more at home that are still left unopened! For any aspiring writer, carrying a notebook with you at all times is necessary to document all your lightbulb moments in. You just never know when it’s going to happen! The trick is to carry a notebook small enough to keep in your bag and a trusty pen. You’ll be surprised by the amount of things you can actually write, no matter how messy your notes can be at the end of the day. You don’t even need to write down full sentences, just scribble down keywords you think will be essential in helping you write later on. Truth is, the use of the notebook is actually spiraling down with the rise of our ever trusty laptops which can be a faster way of documenting our thoughts. But think of notebooks like old-school love letters as opposed to text messages and e-mails, isn’t the former a lot more romantic? Wouldn’t you prefer a suitor to court you like the old-school way? Romance is the kind of feeling you can’t establish with a gadget as impersonal as a laptop which can be generalized to practically every human being living on this planet. Romance is buying a number of notebooks with pretty covers, and writing on it just randomly. That’s the beauty of being a writer, you get enamored every single day with the romance you make with your own words in your own notebook. If you want to keep yourself creative, buy your own set of notebooks now and tell me how it goes!

Happy reading… and writing!

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