Friday, January 20, 2012


We personally believe, as bloggers, that internet is a medium that has redefined and revolutionized the idea of free information. Human beings are supposed to be granted with rights to gain access information freely without being hounded by large companies that dictate punishment on copyright infringement. This is precisely why the Internet became one of the greatest tools in the 21st century. The limited nature that SOPA and PIPA pushes for is "stopping online piracy" by completely eliminating the many uses of websites such as Google, Twitter, YouTube and can even go as far as Facebook. The bill proposes that any image, video, song or property that is not yours cannot be shared, linked to, and retweeted on the Internet solely because the companies are fighting for 100 percent ownership of these. We are against the passing of SOPA and PIPA law primarily because this bill is made purely because of power and money-hungry companies who want to make money off of their "properties" for public consumption. Imagine having to buy every song, every video, every link, and every image on the Internet. These will ultimately defeat the purpose of the internet. This censorship of sharing contents on the internet is a great limitation to the uses of the internet! 


Educate yourself by watching the video above by Ted Talks and take an informed stand regarding this issue. Do your part, share this video, link this, retweet, post it, and like it!

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