Tuesday, January 8, 2013

An Abundance of Katherines

John Green has been basking in the literature limelight lately. I've encountered many of my friends who have picked up a novel or two of his which further fueled my curiosity. My first novel of his was Looking for Alaska, and I recently read my second John Green book entitled Abundance of Katherines. Given the young adult genre, his novels are an easy read without compromising the depth of its story.

Abundance of Katherines was an enjoyable one, with complex mathematical formulas and random facts being footnoted every once in a while. What captures me first in any story is the depth of the main character and how easily attachable his personality is to actually see the story through. Colin Singleton proved this beyond measure, being dumped 19 times by girls who are all similarly, and coincidentally, named Katherine. Love is such a complex concept, and the reasons behind being dumped is even more perplexing, but Colin Singleton is bent on explaining these abstract concepts in something as definite as a mathematical formula. His journey, along with his bestfriend, Hassan, opens his eyes to a new environment wherein his experiences beg to ask questions that challenge his own views and beliefs. As he meets the people that inhabit Gutshot, he realizes that maybe not all things can be quantifiable. That, maybe the most important feelings a person can feel, are those that are left indescribable to words.

John Green has chosen written this well, capturing my interest from beginning to end. The characters in this novel are just so enjoyable, as you see them transform and grow to fully portray a beautiful ending. I'm determined to read his other novels as well, and I suggest you get around to doing the same!

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